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10th October, 2022

7 Essential Soft Skills That You Must Learn

Posted in: Personality Development

7 Essential Soft Skills That You Must Learn

Soft skills are the personal attributes, habits, and attitudes that enable you to interact effectively and harmoniously with others. They are often contrasted with hard skills, which are the technical and specific abilities that you need to perform a certain task or job.

While hard skills are important, they are not enough to ensure your success in the academic and professional worlds. You also need to develop and demonstrate your soft skills, which can give you an edge over others and help you achieve your goals. That being said, here are seven essential soft skills you should be adding to your academic toolkit.

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Communication is key these days.

Let’s start things off with the one everyone talks about: communication. It’s more than just talking; it’s about expressing yourself clearly and listening actively. Imagine this: you’re working on a group project, and your ability to articulate ideas and truly understand your team’s input can make or break the collaboration.

Example: During a class discussion, don’t just nod along. Jump in, share your thoughts, and engage with your classmates. You’ll be amazed at how it boosts your understanding and opens up new perspectives.

Teamwork and collaboration are the need of the hour.

Ever hear the phrase “teamwork makes the dream work”? Well, it’s not just a catchy saying. Whether it’s a group project, a sports team, or a drama club, the ability to work harmoniously with others is a superpower. Collaborating effectively helps students gain diverse perspectives, foster creativity, and accomplish more together than they could individually. Learn teamwork and watch your dreams take flight!

Example: Your class is organising a charity event. Pitch in, collaborate with different personalities, and see how your collective efforts create something impactful.

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Critical thinking is necessary in all situations.

It’s not just about memorising facts; it’s about connecting the dots, analysing information, and solving problems. Critical thinking is like a mental workout—the more you engage in it, the stronger your brain becomes. It’s a skill that empowers students to navigate complex issues, make informed decisions, and approach challenges with confidence.

Example: When faced with a complex math problem, instead of just following the steps, take a moment to understand the underlying concepts. It will make problem-solving a breeze.

Adaptability and Change

Life throws obstacles at you, and you need the skill to adapt. Be open to change, embrace challenges, and bounce back from setbacks. Resilience is more than just overcoming difficulties; it’s about learning from them, growing stronger, and emerging wiser. Trust me, it’s a skill you’ll use for a lifetime.

Example: A sudden change in your class schedule? Instead of stressing, take it in stride. Adaptability will make you more resilient in the face of unexpected twists.

Time management is crucial for deadlines.

Juggling assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities is akin to being a superhero and managing multiple tasks. Time management becomes the key to keeping your superhero cape from getting tangled. Prioritising tasks, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a balance between academics and other activities empower students to navigate the challenges of a busy schedule. This essential skill not only ensures timely completion of tasks but also promotes a sense of control and reduces stress. So, gear up and embrace the power of effective time management!

Example: Create a study schedule, set priorities, and stick to deadlines. You’ll not only meet academic goals but also have time for hobbies and relaxation.

Emotional intelligence is a must.

Understanding your emotions and those of others is a game-changer. It’s the foundation for building strong relationships, resolving conflicts, and navigating the social intricacies of life. Emotional intelligence empowers students to communicate effectively, express empathy, and collaborate harmoniously, contributing to personal and academic success.

Example: Your friend seems upset. Instead of brushing it off, ask how they’re doing. Developing emotional intelligence creates a supportive and empathetic community around you.

Leadership skills

You might not be the class president, but leadership isn’t about titles. It’s about taking initiative, inspiring others, and being a positive force. Leadership skills go beyond formal roles and are about being proactive, influencing positively, and embracing opportunities to guide and motivate your peers. You never know when you’ll be called upon to lead, so cultivate this skill. It is a passport to success in various aspects of life.

Example: Organise a study group, suggest new ideas in class, or take charge of a small project. These small steps will hone your leadership skills, setting you apart.


In a nutshell, mastering these soft skills isn’t just about surviving work life. It’s about thriving in the dynamic world beyond the classroom. So, gear up, embrace these skills, and watch how they transform your student journey into a launchpad for success.

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10TH OCTOBER, 2022

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