With the growing popularity and influence of the digital landscape consisting of the different social media platforms, the virtual environment has become an effective tool for reaching out to the people. This has empowered digital marketing in a way that it cannot be ignored any longer.
While the basic digital marketing strategies consist of social media marketing, SEO, content marketing and PPC, recent times have observed a drastic shift in digital marketing tools. Today, there are several digital marketing trends based on the latest technological and internet-powered tools, that businesses must incorporate in their digital marketing strategies.
So, if you wish to utilise the internet to market your products and services to the online audience, how will you do it? For starters, you will have to know the basics of digital marketing. This you can learn quite easily by signing up for digital marketing training in Kolkata. Next, you will have to incorporate these trends into your strategy:
Chatbots as a Concierge
Chatbots are a kind of software that acts as a virtual assistant, communicating with the visitors and guiding them through what they need. They interact with the customers in a completely natural manner. They can be used for a number of tasks like greeting visitors, answering frequently asked questions, scheduling appointments and helping the customers in making purchases. The bot can be used to steer sales or to offer customer service.
Since the chatbots are quick to respond and answer all questions patiently, many consumers prefer interacting with chatbots.
The Power of Voice
The use of voice for search has seen incessant growth over the past year. To use this opportunity, you should optimise your website to include voice search. You must know what the consumers wish to know and how they will frame their searches. Keeping in mind that audio searches and longer and conversational, simply figuring out the keywords will not suffice.
You will also have to inculcate the frequently asked questions in your website, listing answers for each of them clearly. This would allow the search engines to pick on the particular phrases from your answer, helping you to rank higher.
Video Advertising and Live Video
Video remains to be the epitome of content marketing. With the advent of live video, this has gone up a notch further. Marketers who wish to employ video advertising must create a proper strategy for video advertising. First, you need to come up with engaging content for your videos, that will appeal to them. Secondly, you will have to optimise the videos for all platforms and incorporate call-to-action.
Artificial Intelligence and Personalised Customer Service
The application of AI in personalisation, customer experience and analytics have already shown what the technology is capable of. Similarly, AI can be used as a key weapon in marketing strategy. Using AI, you will be able to analyse search patterns and consumer behaviour. Obtaining data from certain platforms, the AI will be able to crack how customers find their services and products. This will help you in optimising your service. With personalisation, the customers will be able to gain a great shopping experience, and this will act as a strong link between the consumers and the business.
These are the primary trends in digital marketing that are on the rise and hold the power to transform the way you reach out to people. Apart from the ones listed above, visual searches, social messaging, use of social media stories etc are also expected to gain pace in the near future. If you too want to keep in pace with the changing trends, you should opt for digital marketing training in Kolkata. It will help you to make efficient use of these tools to market your products and services efficiently, with maximum reach.
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