If you were ravaged by the Google Panda Update striking out a lot of your established online business with one stroke – and converting SEO into some kind of a complex nightmare that only Webmasters could comprehend, PPC is not exempt from this too.
However, like all Google products, algorithm changes and allied paraphernalia – if you delve a little deeper than the superficial hard leather, you will find it as easy as textbook strategies followed earlier.
Here are some ways PPC campaigns and strategies have changed gear, post Google’s Panda Update —
• Keyword research and content becomes more relevant – just like in the case of organic SEO campaigns, content as become king, and so effectively, is keyword research. Focusing on high volume keywords just to billow in traffic is not going to work anymore. Neither will sites score without proper content (chances are that such sites have already been hit by the Panda plague and down-ranked!)
• Impact is strategic and not tactical, which means you need to pay more attention to the pay-for-performance model instead of the pay-for-traffic. Your publishers need to be based on quality and content – and not just ad revenue or similar short-term monetary gain.
• The Panda Update is aimed at making Google bring bull’s eye relevance to the search results, which is why you need to monitor your positioning and key-phrase segments 24×7. Irrelevant PPC ads will only demolish the brand image you have built for so long.
A lot of SEO professionals and aspiring online marketing students think of the Google Panda update as the villain. Instead, learn, articulate and master the situation – and you might be the next PPC guru, emerging from the ashes of the current industry like a lighthouse beacon in these dark times!
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