When it comes to SEO most professionals and even others need to carry out a lot of SEO tasks in the shortest amount of time. And that is best achieved with the help of tools. Tools are the best friends of most smart and savvy marketers since they help to complete tasks and targets in the least amount of time and with close to perfection and reduced errors. Therefore SEO tools are an indispensable part of marketers. But they often can be expensive and if you are on a budget it can be a struggle. But there are many high-quality SEO tools available for you to exploit for free right away.
Here are some of the SEO tools that you can avail for free: –
1. Google Analytics
It is quite impossible to begin talking about Search Engine Optimization tools without the mention of Google Analytics. If you are not utilizing this beautiful and high-quality SEO yet, do not waste any further time and start exploiting it as soon as possible. No other tool does it like Google Analytics. It is very detailed and informative in nature. It also sounds about right to use a Google tool to work around the most popular and highly used search engine which is Google.
2. Keyword Planner
Keyword Planner is another SEO tool by Google. It is safe to say that Google has one of the best sets of SEO tools for you. The Keyword Planner is used for all kind of keyword researches. It allows you to search for new keywords and ad group ideas, get traffic estimates for a list of keywords, multiply keyword list to get new keyword ideas and more.
3. SEOWorkers Analysis Tool
SEOWorkers Analysis Tool is a quick and detailed report generator of any website being visited. All you have to do is plug in a website URL and you obtain an informative report in the shortest period of time possible. One of the things that make this tool stand out is that it not shows you all the SEO data that is important but also teaches you about SEO through detailed discussions and educational videos. This is a huge advantage for SEO people who have just started out.
4. Ahref’s Backlink Checker
This tool is a feel backlink checker that allows you to check up to 100 top links pointing to any website. It is highly recommended for its fast speed when it comes to generating results within seconds. Ahref’s Backlink Checker is also capable of showing you the anchor text and domain rating.
5. Answer the Public
Answer the Public is a great SEO tool since it obtains Google auto-completequeries or searches in bulk and split them into separate lists. The lists are typically made in accordance with how the searches or queries start. For example, all searches that begin with the word “are” are kept in one list while searches that being with “can” are kept in another list and so on. This proves beneficial when it comes to understanding what the population on the internet is searching or asking on Google.
6. MozBar
When it comes to Search Engine Optimisation there is much to do with knowing the right information and things. MozBar does exactly that by helping you gain access to the right things and information at a glance. MozBar tool is essential for you in order to generate an instant report on the website being visited. It offers you with three main data categories, namely link data, page elements and page attributes.
7. WooRank
While it also analyses any website and generates a quick report, WookRank is another efficient free SEO tool that is highly capable of providing useful insight into some of the most imperceptible information. Some of the things you get to enjoy include geodata, social shareability, mobile rendering mobile load time etc.
These are just seven of the most effective and important free SEO tools that you must exploit for the success of your business or campaign. Some of these tools also have elements that are paid or paid versions. You can always opt for the paid features or versions ones you have figured out how well a specific tool works for you while on a free trial.
Wondering how to use these tools? Get trained in SEO – contact us Now!
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